klee Namespace Reference


namespace  bits32
namespace  bits64
namespace  expr
namespace  floats
namespace  ImpliedValue
namespace  ints
namespace  stats
namespace  time
namespace  util


struct  _Identity
struct  _Select1st
class  AddressSpace
class  Array
class  ArrayCache
 Provides an interface for creating and destroying Array objects. More...
struct  ArrayCmpFn
class  ArrayExprHash
class  ArrayExprHelper
struct  ArrayHashFn
class  ArrayReadExprVisitor
class  ArrayValueOptReplaceVisitor
class  Assignment
class  AssignmentEvaluator
class  AssignmentGenerator
class  AssignmentValidatingSolver
class  BatchingSearcher
class  BFSSearcher
class  BinaryExpr
class  BitArray
class  CallPathManager
class  CallPathNode
struct  CallSiteInfo
class  CastExpr
struct  Cell
struct  CleanupPhaseUnwindingInformation
class  CmpExpr
class  compressed_fd_ostream
class  ConcatExpr
class  ConstantArrayExprVisitor
class  ConstantArrayFinder
class  ConstantExpr
class  ConstraintManager
 Manages constraints, e.g. optimisation. More...
class  ConstraintSet
class  Context
 Context - Helper class for storing global information about a KLEE run. More...
class  DFSSearcher
class  DiscretePDF
class  DivCheckPass
class  DummySolverImpl
struct  EquivArrayCmpFn
class  ExecutionState
 ExecutionState representing a path under exploration. More...
struct  ExecutionStateIDCompare
class  Executor
class  Expr
 Class representing symbolic expressions. More...
class  ExprBuilder
 ExprBuilder - Base expression builder class. More...
class  ExprEvaluator
class  ExprHandle
class  ExprHashMap
class  ExprHolder
class  ExprOptimizer
class  ExprPPrinter
class  ExprRangeEvaluator
class  ExprRewriter
class  ExprSMTLIBPrinter
class  ExprVisitor
class  ExternalDispatcher
class  ExternalDispatcherImpl
class  ExtractExpr
class  FixedStack
class  FunctionAliasPass
struct  FunctionInfo
 FunctionInfo stores debug information for a KFunction. More...
class  generic_gep_type_iterator
class  ImmutableMap
class  ImmutableSet
class  ImmutableTree
class  IncompleteSolver
class  IndexCompatibilityExprVisitor
class  IndexTransformationExprVisitor
struct  InstructionInfo
 InstructionInfo stores debug information for a KInstruction. More...
class  InstructionInfoTable
class  InstructionOperandTypeCheckPass
class  InterleavedSearcher
class  Interpreter
class  InterpreterHandler
class  IntrinsicCleanerPass
class  IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher
class  KCommandLine
class  KConstant
struct  KFunction
struct  KGEPInstruction
class  KInstIterator
struct  KInstruction
class  KleeIRMetaData
 Handles KLEE-specific LLVM IR meta-data. More...
class  KModule
class  LowerSwitchPass
class  MapOfSets
class  MemoryManager
class  MemoryObject
struct  MemoryObjectLT
 Function object ordering MemoryObject's by address. More...
class  MergeHandler
 Represents one klee_open_merge() call. Handles merging of states that branched from it. More...
class  MergingSearcher
class  MetaSMTSolver
class  NonConstantExpr
class  NotExpr
class  NotOptimizedExpr
class  ObjectState
class  OptNonePass
 Instruments every function that contains a KLEE function call as nonopt. More...
class  OvershiftCheckPass
class  PhiCleanerPass
class  PTree
class  PTreeNode
struct  Query
class  RaiseAsmPass
class  RandomPathSearcher
class  RandomSearcher
 RandomSearcher picks a state randomly. More...
class  ReadExpr
 Class representing a one byte read from an array. More...
class  ref
class  ReferenceCounter
 Reference counter to be used as part of a ref-managed struct or class. More...
class  RNG
class  Searcher
struct  SearchPhaseUnwindingInformation
class  SeedInfo
class  SelectExpr
 Class representing an if-then-else expression. More...
class  Solver
class  SolverImpl
 SolverImpl - Abstract base clase for solver implementations. More...
struct  SolverQueryMetaData
class  SpecialFunctionHandler
struct  StackFrame
class  StagedSolverImpl
class  Statistic
class  StatisticManager
class  StatisticRecord
class  StatsTracker
class  STPArrayExprHash
class  STPBuilder
class  STPSolver
 STPSolver - A complete solver based on STP. More...
struct  SwitchCaseCmp
class  SymbolicObjectFinder
class  Timer
class  TimerGroup
class  TimerStatIncrementer
class  TimingSolver
class  TreeOStream
class  TreeStreamWriter
class  UnwindingInformation
 Contains information related to unwinding (Itanium ABI/2-Phase unwinding) More...
class  UpdateList
 Class representing a complete list of updates into an array. More...
class  UpdateNode
 Class representing a byte update of an array. More...
struct  UpdateNodeCmpFn
struct  UpdateNodeHashFn
class  ValidatingSolver
class  WallTimer
class  WeightedRandomSearcher
class  Z3ArrayExprHash
class  Z3Builder
class  Z3NodeHandle
class  Z3Solver
 Z3Solver - A complete solver based on Z3. More...


typedef std::pair< const MemoryObject *, const ObjectState * > ObjectPair
typedef std::vector< ObjectPairResolutionList
typedef ImmutableMap< const MemoryObject *, ref< ObjectState >, MemoryObjectLTMemoryMap
typedef std::map< const llvm::Instruction *, std::map< const llvm::Function *, CallSiteInfo > > CallSiteSummaryTable
typedef generic_gep_type_iterator gep_type_iterator
typedef generic_gep_type_iterator< llvm::ExtractValueInst::idx_iterator > ev_type_iterator
typedef generic_gep_type_iterator< llvm::InsertValueInst::idx_iterator > iv_type_iterator
typedef generic_gep_type_iterator< llvm::SmallVector< unsigned, 4 >::const_iterator > vce_type_iterator
typedef std::vector< std::pair< ref< ReadExpr >, ref< ConstantExpr > > > ImpliedValueList
using PTreeNodePtr = llvm::PointerIntPair< PTreeNode *, PtrBitCount, uint8_t >
typedef Z3NodeHandle< Z3_sort > Z3SortHandle
typedef Z3NodeHandle< Z3_ast > Z3ASTHandle
typedef unsigned TreeStreamID
using array2idx_ty = std::map< const Array *, std::vector< ref< Expr > > >
using mapIndexOptimizedExpr_ty = std::map< ref< Expr >, std::vector< ref< Expr > > >
typedef std::unordered_set< ref< Expr >, klee::util::ExprHash, klee::util::ExprCmpExprHashSet


enum  ArrayOptimizationType { NONE , ALL , INDEX , VALUE }
 The different query logging solvers that can be switched on/off. More...
enum  CoreSolverType {


llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &os, const MemoryMap &mm)
cl::OptionCategory DebugCat ("Debugging options", "These are debugging options.")
cl::OptionCategory ExtCallsCat ("External call policy options", "These options impact external calls.")
cl::OptionCategory SeedingCat ("Seeding options", "These options are related to the use of seeds to start exploration.")
cl::OptionCategory TerminationCat ("State and overall termination options", "These options control termination of the overall KLEE " "execution and of individual states.")
cl::OptionCategory TestGenCat ("Test generation options", "These options impact test generation.")
cl::opt< std::string > MaxTime ("max-time", cl::desc("Halt execution after the specified duration. " "Set to 0s to disable (default=0s)"), cl::init("0s"), cl::cat(TerminationCat))
gep_type_iterator gep_type_begin (const llvm::User *GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_end (const llvm::User *GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_begin (const llvm::User &GEP)
gep_type_iterator gep_type_end (const llvm::User &GEP)
ev_type_iterator ev_type_begin (const llvm::ExtractValueInst *EV)
ev_type_iterator ev_type_end (const llvm::ExtractValueInst *EV)
iv_type_iterator iv_type_begin (const llvm::InsertValueInst *IV)
iv_type_iterator iv_type_end (const llvm::InsertValueInst *IV)
vce_type_iterator vce_type_begin (const llvm::ConstantExpr *CE)
vce_type_iterator vce_type_end (const llvm::ConstantExpr *CE)
template<typename ItTy >
generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy > gep_type_begin (llvm::Type *Op0, ItTy I, ItTy E)
template<typename ItTy >
generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy > gep_type_end (llvm::Type *Op0, ItTy I, ItTy E)
llvm::cl::OptionCategory MergeCat ("Path merging options", "These options control path merging.")
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseMerge ("use-merge", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Enable support for path merging via klee_open_merge() and " "klee_close_merge() (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::MergeCat))
llvm::cl::opt< bool > DebugLogMerge ("debug-log-merge", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Debug information for path merging (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::MergeCat))
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseIncompleteMerge ("use-incomplete-merge", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Heuristic-based path merging (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::MergeCat))
llvm::cl::opt< bool > DebugLogIncompleteMerge ("debug-log-incomplete-merge", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Debug information for incomplete path merging (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::MergeCat))
uint64_t computeMinDistToUncovered (const KInstruction *ki, uint64_t minDistAtRA)
bool userSearcherRequiresMD2U ()
void initializeSearchOptions ()
SearcherconstructUserSearcher (Executor &executor)
llvm::cl::opt< ArrayOptimizationTypeOptimizeArray ("optimize-array", llvm::cl::values(clEnumValN(ALL, "all", "Combining index and value transformations"), clEnumValN(INDEX, "index", "Index-based transformation"), clEnumValN(VALUE, "value", "Value-based transformation at branch (both " "concrete and concrete/symbolic)")), llvm::cl::init(NONE), llvm::cl::desc("Optimize accesses to either concrete or concrete/symbolic " "arrays. (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::SolvingCat))
llvm::cl::opt< double > ArrayValueRatio ("array-value-ratio", llvm::cl::desc("Maximum ratio of unique values to array size for which the " "value-based transformations are applied."), llvm::cl::init(1.0), llvm::cl::value_desc("Unique Values / Array Size"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::SolvingCat))
llvm::cl::opt< double > ArrayValueSymbRatio ("array-value-symb-ratio", llvm::cl::desc("Maximum ratio of symbolic values to array size for which " "the mixed value-based transformations are applied."), llvm::cl::init(1.0), llvm::cl::value_desc("Symbolic Values / Array Size"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::SolvingCat))
llvm::cl::OptionCategory ExprCat ("Expression building and printing options", "These options impact the way expressions are build and printed.")
cl::OptionCategory ModuleCat ("Module-related options", "These options affect the compile-time processing of the code.")
SolvercreateAssignmentValidatingSolver (Solver *s)
static uint32_t ones (uint32_t x)
static uint32_t ldz (uint32_t x)
static uint32_t exp_base_2 (int32_t n)
void ComputeMultConstants64 (uint64_t multiplicand, uint64_t &add, uint64_t &sub)
void ComputeUDivConstants32 (uint32_t d, uint32_t &mprime, uint32_t &sh1, uint32_t &sh2)
void ComputeSDivConstants32 (int32_t d, int32_t &mprime, int32_t &dsign, int32_t &shpost)
SolverconstructSolverChain (Solver *coreSolver, std::string querySMT2LogPath, std::string baseSolverQuerySMT2LogPath, std::string queryKQueryLogPath, std::string baseSolverQueryKQueryLogPath)
SolvercreateCoreSolver (CoreSolverType cst)
SolvercreateDummySolver ()
SolvercreateMetaSMTSolver ()
cl::extrahelp TimeFormatInfo ("\nTime format used by KLEE's options\n" "\n" " Time spans can be specified in two ways:\n" " 1. As positive real numbers representing seconds, e.g. '10', '3.5' " "but not 'INF', 'NaN', '1e3', '-4.5s'\n" " 2. As a sequence of natural numbers with specified units, e.g. " "'1h10min' (= '70min'), '5min10s' but not '3.5min', '8S'\n" " The following units are supported: h, min, s, ms, us, ns.\n")
cl::OptionCategory SolvingCat ("Constraint solving options", "These options impact constraint solving.")
cl::opt< bool > UseFastCexSolver ("use-fast-cex-solver", cl::init(false), cl::desc("Enable an experimental range-based solver (default=false)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > UseCexCache ("use-cex-cache", cl::init(true), cl::desc("Use the counterexample cache (default=true)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > UseBranchCache ("use-branch-cache", cl::init(true), cl::desc("Use the branch cache (default=true)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > UseIndependentSolver ("use-independent-solver", cl::init(true), cl::desc("Use constraint independence (default=true)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > DebugValidateSolver ("debug-validate-solver", cl::init(false), cl::desc("Crosscheck the results of the solver chain above the core solver " "with the results of the core solver (default=false)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< std::string > MinQueryTimeToLog ("min-query-time-to-log", cl::desc("Set time threshold for queries logged in files. " "Only queries longer than threshold will be logged. (default=0s)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > LogTimedOutQueries ("log-timed-out-queries", cl::init(true), cl::desc("Log queries that timed out. (default=true)."), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< std::string > MaxCoreSolverTime ("max-solver-time", cl::desc("Maximum amount of time for a single SMT query (default=0s (off)). " "Enables --use-forked-solver"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > UseForkedCoreSolver ("use-forked-solver", cl::desc("Run the core SMT solver in a forked process (default=true)"), cl::init(true), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > CoreSolverOptimizeDivides ("solver-optimize-divides", cl::desc("Optimize constant divides into add/shift/multiplies before " "passing them to the core SMT solver (default=false)"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::bits< QueryLoggingSolverTypeQueryLoggingOptions ("use-query-log", cl::desc("Log queries to a file. Multiple options can be specified " "separated by a comma. By default nothing is logged."), cl::values(clEnumValN(ALL_KQUERY, "all:kquery", "All queries in .kquery (KQuery) format"), clEnumValN(ALL_SMTLIB, "all:smt2", "All queries in .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format"), clEnumValN(SOLVER_KQUERY, "solver:kquery", "All queries reaching the solver in .kquery (KQuery) format"), clEnumValN(SOLVER_SMTLIB, "solver:smt2", "All queries reaching the solver in .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format")), cl::CommaSeparated, cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< bool > UseAssignmentValidatingSolver ("debug-assignment-validating-solver", cl::init(false), cl::desc("Debug the correctness of generated assignments (default=false)"), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< CoreSolverTypeCoreSolverToUse ("solver-backend", cl::desc("Specifiy the core solver backend to use"), cl::values(clEnumValN(STP_SOLVER, "stp", "STP" STP_IS_DEFAULT_STR), clEnumValN(METASMT_SOLVER, "metasmt", "metaSMT" METASMT_IS_DEFAULT_STR), clEnumValN(DUMMY_SOLVER, "dummy", "Dummy solver"), clEnumValN(Z3_SOLVER, "z3", "Z3" Z3_IS_DEFAULT_STR)), cl::init(DEFAULT_CORE_SOLVER), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
cl::opt< CoreSolverTypeDebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith ("debug-crosscheck-core-solver", cl::desc("Specifiy a solver to use for crosschecking the results of the core solver"), cl::values(clEnumValN(STP_SOLVER, "stp", "STP"), clEnumValN(METASMT_SOLVER, "metasmt", "metaSMT"), clEnumValN(DUMMY_SOLVER, "dummy", "Dummy solver"), clEnumValN(Z3_SOLVER, "z3", "Z3"), clEnumValN(NO_SOLVER, "none", "Do not crosscheck (default)")), cl::init(NO_SOLVER), cl::cat(SolvingCat))
SolvercreateValidatingSolver (Solver *s, Solver *oracle)
cl::OptionCategory MiscCat ("Miscellaneous options", "")
std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_fd_ostream > klee_open_output_file (const std::string &path, std::string &error)
template<class T >
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &os, const ref< T > &e)
template<class T >
std::stringstream & operator<< (std::stringstream &os, const ref< T > &e)
bool operator== (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
bool operator< (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
bool operator> (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
bool operator<= (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
bool operator>= (const Expr &lhs, const Expr &rhs)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &os, const Expr &e)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &os, const Expr::Kind kind)
std::stringstream & operator<< (std::stringstream &os, const Expr &e)
std::stringstream & operator<< (std::stringstream &os, const Expr::Kind kind)
ExprBuildercreateDefaultExprBuilder ()
ExprBuildercreateConstantFoldingExprBuilder (ExprBuilder *Base)
ExprBuildercreateSimplifyingExprBuilder (ExprBuilder *Base)
void findReads (ref< Expr > e, bool visitUpdates, std::vector< ref< ReadExpr > > &result)
void findSymbolicObjects (ref< Expr > e, std::vector< const Array * > &results)
template<typename InputIterator >
void findSymbolicObjects (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, std::vector< const Array * > &results)
SolvercreateCachingSolver (Solver *s)
SolvercreateCexCachingSolver (Solver *s)
SolvercreateFastCexSolver (Solver *s)
SolvercreateIndependentSolver (Solver *s)
SolvercreateKQueryLoggingSolver (Solver *s, std::string path, time::Span minQueryTimeToLog, bool logTimedOut)
SolvercreateSMTLIBLoggingSolver (Solver *s, std::string path, time::Span minQueryTimeToLog, bool logTimedOut)
void klee_error (const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void klee_message (const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void void klee_message_to_file (const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void void void klee_warning (const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void void void void klee_warning_once (const void *id, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printf
std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > linkModules (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > > &modules, llvm::StringRef entryFunction, std::string &errorMsg)
llvm::Function * getDirectCallTarget (const llvm::CallBase &cb, bool moduleIsFullyLinked)
bool functionEscapes (const llvm::Function *f)
bool loadFile (const std::string &libraryName, llvm::LLVMContext &context, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > > &modules, std::string &errorMsg)
void printVersion (llvm::raw_ostream &OS)


cl::opt< std::string > MaxTime
static uint64_t * gTheArgsP
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseMerge
llvm::cl::opt< bool > DebugLogMerge
llvm::cl::opt< bool > DebugLogIncompleteMerge
constexpr int PtrBitCount = 3
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseIncompleteMerge
llvm::cl::OptionCategory ExprCat
const char ALL_QUERIES_SMT2_FILE_NAME [] ="all-queries.smt2"
const char SOLVER_QUERIES_SMT2_FILE_NAME [] ="solver-queries.smt2"
const char ALL_QUERIES_KQUERY_FILE_NAME [] ="all-queries.kquery"
const char SOLVER_QUERIES_KQUERY_FILE_NAME [] ="solver-queries.kquery"
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseFastCexSolver
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseCexCache
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseBranchCache
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseIndependentSolver
llvm::cl::opt< bool > DebugValidateSolver
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > MinQueryTimeToLog
llvm::cl::opt< bool > LogTimedOutQueries
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > MaxCoreSolverTime
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseForkedCoreSolver
llvm::cl::opt< bool > CoreSolverOptimizeDivides
llvm::cl::opt< bool > UseAssignmentValidatingSolver
llvm::cl::bits< QueryLoggingSolverTypeQueryLoggingOptions
llvm::cl::opt< CoreSolverTypeCoreSolverToUse
llvm::cl::opt< CoreSolverTypeDebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith
StatisticManagertheStatisticManager = 0
const size_t BUFSIZE = 128 * 1024
FILE * klee_warning_file = NULL
FILE * klee_message_file = NULL
void noreturn
llvm::cl::OptionCategory DebugCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory MergeCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory MiscCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory ModuleCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory SeedingCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory SolvingCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory TerminationCat
llvm::cl::OptionCategory TestGenCat

Typedef Documentation

◆ array2idx_ty

using klee::array2idx_ty = typedef std::map<const Array *, std::vector<ref<Expr> >>

Definition at line 28 of file ArrayExprOptimizer.h.

◆ CallSiteSummaryTable

typedef std::map<const llvm::Instruction *, std::map<const llvm::Function *, CallSiteInfo> > klee::CallSiteSummaryTable

Definition at line 37 of file CallPathManager.h.

◆ ev_type_iterator

typedef generic_gep_type_iterator<llvm::ExtractValueInst::idx_iterator> klee::ev_type_iterator

Definition at line 106 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

◆ ExprHashSet

Definition at line 39 of file ExprHashMap.h.

◆ gep_type_iterator

◆ ImpliedValueList

typedef std::vector< std::pair<ref<ReadExpr>, ref<ConstantExpr> > > klee::ImpliedValueList

Definition at line 30 of file ImpliedValue.h.

◆ iv_type_iterator

typedef generic_gep_type_iterator<llvm::InsertValueInst::idx_iterator> klee::iv_type_iterator

Definition at line 107 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

◆ mapIndexOptimizedExpr_ty

using klee::mapIndexOptimizedExpr_ty = typedef std::map<ref<Expr>, std::vector<ref<Expr> >>

Definition at line 29 of file ArrayExprOptimizer.h.

◆ MemoryMap

Definition at line 36 of file AddressSpace.h.

◆ ObjectPair

typedef std::pair<const MemoryObject*, const ObjectState*> klee::ObjectPair

Definition at line 27 of file AddressSpace.h.

◆ PTreeNodePtr

using klee::PTreeNodePtr = typedef llvm::PointerIntPair<PTreeNode *, PtrBitCount, uint8_t>

Definition at line 27 of file PTree.h.

◆ ResolutionList

typedef std::vector<ObjectPair> klee::ResolutionList

Definition at line 28 of file AddressSpace.h.

◆ TreeStreamID

typedef unsigned klee::TreeStreamID

Definition at line 18 of file TreeStream.h.

◆ vce_type_iterator

typedef generic_gep_type_iterator<llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4>::const_iterator> klee::vce_type_iterator

Definition at line 108 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

◆ Z3ASTHandle

Definition at line 91 of file Z3Builder.h.

◆ Z3SortHandle

typedef Z3NodeHandle<Z3_sort> klee::Z3SortHandle

Definition at line 86 of file Z3Builder.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArrayOptimizationType


Definition at line 26 of file ArrayExprOptimizer.h.

◆ CoreSolverType


Definition at line 57 of file SolverCmdLine.h.

◆ QueryLoggingSolverType

The different query logging solvers that can be switched on/off.


Log all queries in .kquery (KQuery) format.


Log all queries .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format.


Log queries passed to solver in .kquery (KQuery) format.


Log queries passed to solver in .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format.

Definition at line 48 of file SolverCmdLine.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ArrayValueRatio()

llvm::cl::opt< double > klee::ArrayValueRatio ( "array-value-ratio"  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Maximum ratio of unique values to array size for which the " "value-based transformations are applied.")  ,
llvm::cl::init(1.0)  ,
llvm::cl::value_desc("Unique Values / Array Size")  ,

Referenced by klee::ExprOptimizer::buildConstantSelectExpr(), and klee::ExprOptimizer::buildMixedSelectExpr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ArrayValueSymbRatio()

llvm::cl::opt< double > klee::ArrayValueSymbRatio ( "array-value-symb-ratio"  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Maximum ratio of symbolic values to array size for which " "the mixed value-based transformations are applied.")  ,
llvm::cl::init(1.0)  ,
llvm::cl::value_desc("Symbolic Values / Array Size")  ,

Referenced by klee::ExprOptimizer::getSelectOptExpr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeMinDistToUncovered()

uint64_t klee::computeMinDistToUncovered ( const KInstruction ki,
uint64_t  minDistAtRA 

◆ ComputeMultConstants64()

void klee::ComputeMultConstants64 ( uint64_t  x,
uint64_t &  add_out,
uint64_t &  sub_out 

ComputeMultConstants64 - Compute add and sub such that add-sub==x, while attempting to minimize the number of bits in add and sub combined.

Definition at line 82 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

References add, klee::bits64::indexOfRightmostBit(), klee::bits64::indexOfSingleBit(), klee::bits64::isolateRightmostBit(), and klee::floats::sub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ComputeSDivConstants32()

void klee::ComputeSDivConstants32 ( int32_t  d,
int32_t &  mprime,
int32_t &  dsign,
int32_t &  shpost 

Compute the constants to perform a quicker equivalent of a division of some 32-bit signed integer n by a known constant d (also a 32-bit signed integer). The constants to compute n/d without explicit division will be stored in mprime, dsign, and shpost (signed 32-bit integers).

d- denominator (divisor)

Definition at line 128 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

References ABS, exp_base_2(), LOG2_CEIL, TWO_TO_THE_31_S64, TWO_TO_THE_32_U64, and XSIGN.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ComputeUDivConstants32()

void klee::ComputeUDivConstants32 ( uint32_t  d,
uint32_t &  mprime,
uint32_t &  sh1,
uint32_t &  sh2 

Compute the constants to perform a quicker equivalent of a division of some 32-bit unsigned integer n by a known constant d (also a 32-bit unsigned integer). The constants to compute n/d without explicit division will be stored in mprime, sh1, and sh2 (unsigned 32-bit integers).

d- denominator (divisor)

Definition at line 118 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

References exp_base_2(), LOG2_CEIL, and TWO_TO_THE_32_U64.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ constructSolverChain()

Solver * klee::constructSolverChain ( Solver coreSolver,
std::string  querySMT2LogPath,
std::string  baseSolverQuerySMT2LogPath,
std::string  queryKQueryLogPath,
std::string  baseSolverQueryKQueryLogPath 

◆ constructUserSearcher()

Searcher * klee::constructUserSearcher ( Executor executor)

Definition at line 125 of file UserSearcher.cpp.

References klee::Executor::getHandler(), klee::InterpreterHandler::getInfoStream(), getNewSearcher(), klee::Searcher::printName(), klee::Executor::processTree, klee::Executor::setMergingSearcher(), klee::Executor::theRNG, and UseMerge.

Referenced by klee::Executor::run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CoreSolverOptimizeDivides()

cl::opt< bool > klee::CoreSolverOptimizeDivides ( "solver-optimize-divides"  ,
cl::desc("Optimize constant divides into add/shift/multiplies before " "passing them to the core SMT solver (default=false)")  ,
cl::init(false)  ,

◆ CoreSolverToUse()

cl::opt< CoreSolverType > klee::CoreSolverToUse ( "solver-backend"  ,
cl::desc("Specifiy the core solver backend to use")  ,
cl::values(clEnumValN(STP_SOLVER, "stp", "STP" STP_IS_DEFAULT_STR), clEnumValN(METASMT_SOLVER, "metasmt", "metaSMT" METASMT_IS_DEFAULT_STR), clEnumValN(DUMMY_SOLVER, "dummy", "Dummy solver"), clEnumValN(Z3_SOLVER, "z3", "Z3" Z3_IS_DEFAULT_STR))  ,

◆ createAssignmentValidatingSolver()

Solver * klee::createAssignmentValidatingSolver ( Solver s)

createAssignmentValidatingSolver - Create a solver that when requested for an assignment will check that the computed assignment satisfies the Query.

s- The underlying solver to use.

Definition at line 151 of file AssignmentValidatingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCachingSolver()

Solver * klee::createCachingSolver ( Solver s)

createCachingSolver - Create a solver which will cache the queries in memory (without eviction).

s- The underlying solver to use.

Definition at line 258 of file CachingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCexCachingSolver()

Solver * klee::createCexCachingSolver ( Solver s)

createCexCachingSolver - Create a counterexample caching solver. This is a more sophisticated cache which records counterexamples for a constraint set and uses subset/superset relations among constraints to try and quickly find satisfying assignments.

s- The underlying solver to use.

Definition at line 386 of file CexCachingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createConstantFoldingExprBuilder()

ExprBuilder * klee::createConstantFoldingExprBuilder ( ExprBuilder Base)

createConstantFoldingExprBuilder - Create an expression builder which folds constant expressions.

Base - The base builder to use when constructing expressions.

Definition at line 1061 of file ExprBuilder.cpp.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCoreSolver()

Solver * klee::createCoreSolver ( CoreSolverType  cst)

Definition at line 25 of file CoreSolver.cpp.

References CoreSolverOptimizeDivides, createDummySolver(), createMetaSMTSolver(), DUMMY_SOLVER, klee_message(), METASMT_SOLVER, NO_SOLVER, STP_SOLVER, UseForkedCoreSolver, and Z3_SOLVER.

Referenced by constructSolverChain(), EvaluateInputAST(), and klee::Executor::Executor().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultExprBuilder()

ExprBuilder * klee::createDefaultExprBuilder ( )

createDefaultExprBuilder - Create an expression builder which does no folding.

Definition at line 1057 of file ExprBuilder.cpp.

Referenced by klee::ExprOptimizer::buildConstantSelectExpr(), klee::ExprOptimizer::buildMixedSelectExpr(), and main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createDummySolver()

Solver * klee::createDummySolver ( )

createDummySolver - Create a dummy solver implementation which always fails.

Definition at line 62 of file DummySolver.cpp.

Referenced by createCoreSolver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createFastCexSolver()

Solver * klee::createFastCexSolver ( Solver s)

createFastCexSolver - Create a "fast counterexample solver", which tries to quickly compute a satisfying assignment for a constraint set using value propogation and range analysis.

s- The underlying solver to use.

Definition at line 1141 of file FastCexSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createIndependentSolver()

Solver * klee::createIndependentSolver ( Solver s)

createIndependentSolver - Create a solver which will eliminate any unnecessary constraints before propogating the query to the underlying solver.

s- The underlying solver to use.

Definition at line 560 of file IndependentSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createKQueryLoggingSolver()

Solver * klee::createKQueryLoggingSolver ( Solver s,
std::string  path,
time::Span  minQueryTimeToLog,
bool  logTimedOut 

createKQueryLoggingSolver - Create a solver which will forward all queries after writing them to the given path in .kquery format.

Definition at line 63 of file KQueryLoggingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createMetaSMTSolver()

Solver * klee::createMetaSMTSolver ( )

createMetaSMTSolver - Create a solver using the metaSMT backend set by the option MetaSMTBackend.

Referenced by createCoreSolver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createSimplifyingExprBuilder()

ExprBuilder * klee::createSimplifyingExprBuilder ( ExprBuilder Base)

createSimplifyingExprBuilder - Create an expression builder which attemps to fold redundant expressions and normalize expressions for improved caching.

Base - The base builder to use when constructing expressions.

Definition at line 1065 of file ExprBuilder.cpp.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createSMTLIBLoggingSolver()

Solver * klee::createSMTLIBLoggingSolver ( Solver s,
std::string  path,
time::Span  minQueryTimeToLog,
bool  logTimedOut 

createSMTLIBLoggingSolver - Create a solver which will forward all queries after writing them to the given path in .smt2 format.

Definition at line 58 of file SMTLIBLoggingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createValidatingSolver()

Solver * klee::createValidatingSolver ( Solver s,
Solver oracle 

createValidatingSolver - Create a solver which will validate all query results against an oracle, used for testing that an optimized solver has the same results as an unoptimized one. This solver will assert on any mismatches.

s- The primary underlying solver to use.
oracle- The solver to check query results against.

Definition at line 139 of file ValidatingSolver.cpp.

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DebugCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::DebugCat ( "Debugging options"  ,
"These are debugging options."   

◆ DebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith()

cl::opt< CoreSolverType > klee::DebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith ( "debug-crosscheck-core-solver"  ,
cl::desc("Specifiy a solver to use for crosschecking the results of the core solver")  ,
cl::values(clEnumValN(STP_SOLVER, "stp", "STP"), clEnumValN(METASMT_SOLVER, "metasmt", "metaSMT"), clEnumValN(DUMMY_SOLVER, "dummy", "Dummy solver"), clEnumValN(Z3_SOLVER, "z3", "Z3"), clEnumValN(NO_SOLVER, "none", "Do not crosscheck (default)"))  ,
cl::init(NO_SOLVER ,

◆ DebugLogIncompleteMerge()

llvm::cl::opt< bool > klee::DebugLogIncompleteMerge ( "debug-log-incomplete-merge"  ,
llvm::cl::init(false)  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Debug information for incomplete path merging (default=false)")  ,

◆ DebugLogMerge()

llvm::cl::opt< bool > klee::DebugLogMerge ( "debug-log-merge"  ,
llvm::cl::init(false)  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Debug information for path merging (default=false)")  ,

◆ DebugValidateSolver()

cl::opt< bool > klee::DebugValidateSolver ( "debug-validate-solver"  ,
cl::init(false)  ,
cl::desc("Crosscheck the results of the solver chain above the core solver " "with the results of the core solver (default=false)")  ,

◆ ev_type_begin()

ev_type_iterator klee::ev_type_begin ( const llvm::ExtractValueInst *  EV)

Definition at line 125 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ev_type_end()

ev_type_iterator klee::ev_type_end ( const llvm::ExtractValueInst *  EV)

Definition at line 129 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exp_base_2()

static uint32_t klee::exp_base_2 ( int32_t  n)

Definition at line 65 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

Referenced by ComputeSDivConstants32(), and ComputeUDivConstants32().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ExprCat()

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::ExprCat ( "Expression building and printing options"  ,
"These options impact the way expressions are build and printed."   

◆ ExtCallsCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::ExtCallsCat ( "External call policy options"  ,
"These options impact external calls."   

◆ findReads()

void klee::findReads ( ref< Expr e,
bool  visitUpdates,
std::vector< ref< ReadExpr > > &  result 

Find all ReadExprs used in the expression DAG. If visitUpdates is true then this will including those reachable by traversing update lists. Note that this may be slow and return a large number of results.

Definition at line 19 of file ExprUtil.cpp.

References klee::ref< T >::get(), klee::Expr::getKid(), and klee::Expr::getNumKids().

Referenced by klee::ImpliedValue::checkForImpliedValues(), IndependentElementSet::IndependentElementSet(), and klee::SeedInfo::patchSeed().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findSymbolicObjects() [1/2]

template<typename InputIterator >
void klee::findSymbolicObjects ( InputIterator  begin,
InputIterator  end,
std::vector< const Array * > &  results 

Return a list of all unique symbolic objects referenced by the given expression range.

Definition at line 124 of file ExprUtil.cpp.

References klee::ExprVisitor::visit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findSymbolicObjects() [2/2]

void klee::findSymbolicObjects ( ref< Expr e,
std::vector< const Array * > &  results 

Return a list of all unique symbolic objects referenced by the given expression.

Definition at line 132 of file ExprUtil.cpp.

References findSymbolicObjects().

Referenced by findSymbolicObjects(), and CexCachingSolver::getAssignment().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ functionEscapes()

bool klee::functionEscapes ( const llvm::Function *  f)

Return true iff the given Function value is used in something other than a direct call (or a constant expression that terminates in a direct call).

Referenced by klee::KModule::manifest(), and valueIsOnlyCalled().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_begin() [1/3]

gep_type_iterator klee::gep_type_begin ( const llvm::User &  GEP)

Definition at line 117 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_begin() [2/3]

gep_type_iterator klee::gep_type_begin ( const llvm::User *  GEP)

Definition at line 110 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants(), and klee::Executor::evalConstantExpr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_begin() [3/3]

template<typename ItTy >
generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy > klee::gep_type_begin ( llvm::Type *  Op0,
ItTy  I,
ItTy  E 

Definition at line 150 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_end() [1/3]

gep_type_iterator klee::gep_type_end ( const llvm::User &  GEP)

Definition at line 121 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_end() [2/3]

gep_type_iterator klee::gep_type_end ( const llvm::User *  GEP)

Definition at line 114 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants(), and klee::Executor::evalConstantExpr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gep_type_end() [3/3]

template<typename ItTy >
generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy > klee::gep_type_end ( llvm::Type *  Op0,
ItTy  I,
ItTy  E 

Definition at line 156 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDirectCallTarget()

llvm::Function * klee::getDirectCallTarget ( const llvm::CallBase &  cb,
bool  moduleIsFullyLinked 

Return the Function* target of a Call or Invoke instruction, or null if it cannot be determined (should be only for indirect calls, although complicated constant expressions might be another possibility).

If moduleIsFullyLinked is set to true it will be assumed that the module containing the llvm::CallSite (llvm::CallBase on LLVM 8+) is fully linked. This assumption allows resolution of functions that are marked as overridable.

Referenced by klee::StatsTracker::computeReachableUncovered(), klee::Executor::getAllocationAlignment(), and instructionIsCoverable().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initializeSearchOptions()

void klee::initializeSearchOptions ( )

Definition at line 84 of file UserSearcher.cpp.

References klee_warning(), and UseMerge.

Referenced by klee::Executor::Executor().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iv_type_begin()

iv_type_iterator klee::iv_type_begin ( const llvm::InsertValueInst *  IV)

Definition at line 133 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iv_type_end()

iv_type_iterator klee::iv_type_end ( const llvm::InsertValueInst *  IV)

Definition at line 137 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Referenced by klee::Executor::bindInstructionConstants().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ klee_error()

◆ klee_message()

void klee::klee_message ( const char *  msg,

◆ klee_message_to_file()

void klee::klee_message_to_file ( const char *  msg,

Print "KLEE: " followed by the msg in printf format and a newline to messages.txt.

Definition at line 138 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References klee_vmessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ klee_open_output_file()

std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_fd_ostream > klee::klee_open_output_file ( const std::string &  path,
std::string &  error 

Definition at line 24 of file FileHandling.cpp.

Referenced by klee::Executor::Executor(), KleeHandler::openOutputFile(), and QueryLoggingSolver::QueryLoggingSolver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ klee_warning()

◆ klee_warning_once()

void klee::klee_warning_once ( const void *  id,
const char *  msg,

Print "KLEE: WARNING: " followed by the msg in printf format and a newline on stderr and to warnings.txt. However, the warning is only printed once for each unique (id, msg) pair (as pointers).

Definition at line 161 of file ErrorHandling.cpp.

References klee_vmessage(), and warningOncePrefix.

Referenced by klee::MemoryManager::allocate(), klee::Executor::branchingPermitted(), klee::Executor::callExternalFunction(), klee::Executor::evalConstant(), klee::Executor::executeCall(), klee::Executor::executeInstruction(), klee::Executor::getAllocationAlignment(), klee::SeedInfo::getNextInput(), klee::Executor::maxStaticPctChecks(), klee::ObjectState::read8(), klee::SpecialFunctionHandler::readStringAtAddress(), klee::IntrinsicCleanerPass::runOnBasicBlock(), klee::Executor::terminateState(), klee::Executor::toConstant(), and klee::ObjectState::write8().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ldz()

static uint32_t klee::ldz ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 54 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

References ones().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ linkModules()

std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > klee::linkModules ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > > &  modules,
llvm::StringRef  entryFunction,
std::string &  errorMsg 

Links all the modules together into one and returns it.

All the modules which are used for resolving entities are freed, all the remaining ones are preserved.

modulesList of modules to link together: if resolveOnly true, everything is linked against the first entry.
entryFunctionif set, missing functions of the module containing the entry function will be solved.
final module or null in this case errorMsg is set

Definition at line 146 of file ModuleUtil.cpp.

References GetAllUndefinedSymbols(), and linkTwoModules().

Referenced by klee::KModule::link(), linkTwoModules(), and main().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadFile()

bool klee::loadFile ( const std::string &  libraryName,
llvm::LLVMContext &  context,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > > &  modules,
std::string &  errorMsg 

Loads the file libraryName and reads all possible modules out of it.

Different file types are possible:

  • .bc binary file
  • .ll IR file
  • .a archive containing .bc and .ll files
libraryNamelibrary to read
modulescontains extracted modules
errorMsgcontains the error description in case the file could not be loaded
true if successful otherwise false

Referenced by main(), klee::Executor::setModule(), and valueIsOnlyCalled().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LogTimedOutQueries()

cl::opt< bool > klee::LogTimedOutQueries ( "log-timed-out-queries"  ,
cl::init(true)  ,
cl::desc("Log queries that timed out. (default=true).")  ,

◆ MaxCoreSolverTime()

cl::opt< std::string > klee::MaxCoreSolverTime ( "max-solver-time"  ,
cl::desc("Maximum amount of time for a single SMT query (default=0s (off)). " "Enables --use-forked-solver")  ,

◆ MaxTime()

cl::opt< std::string > klee::MaxTime ( "max-time"  ,
cl::desc("Halt execution after the specified duration. " "Set to 0s to disable (default=0s)")  ,
cl::init("0s")  ,

◆ MergeCat()

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::MergeCat ( "Path merging options"  ,
"These options control path merging."   

◆ MinQueryTimeToLog()

cl::opt< std::string > klee::MinQueryTimeToLog ( "min-query-time-to-log"  ,
cl::desc("Set time threshold for queries logged in files. " "Only queries longer than threshold will be logged. (default=0s)")  ,

◆ MiscCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::MiscCat ( "Miscellaneous options"  ,

◆ ModuleCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::ModuleCat ( "Module-related options"  ,
"These options affect the compile-time processing of the code."   

◆ ones()

static uint32_t klee::ones ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 43 of file ConstantDivision.cpp.

Referenced by ldz().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

bool klee::operator!= ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 314 of file Expr.h.

◆ operator<()

bool klee::operator< ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 310 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::compare().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/7]

llvm::raw_ostream & klee::operator<< ( llvm::raw_ostream &  os,
const Expr e 

Definition at line 332 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::print().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [2/7]

llvm::raw_ostream & klee::operator<< ( llvm::raw_ostream &  os,
const Expr::Kind  kind 

Definition at line 337 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::printKind().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/7]

llvm::raw_ostream & klee::operator<< ( llvm::raw_ostream &  os,
const MemoryMap mm 

Definition at line 141 of file ExecutionState.cpp.

References klee::ImmutableMap< K, D, CMP >::begin(), and klee::ImmutableMap< K, D, CMP >::end().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [4/7]

template<class T >
llvm::raw_ostream & klee::operator<< ( llvm::raw_ostream &  os,
const ref< T > &  e 

Definition at line 229 of file Ref.h.

◆ operator<<() [5/7]

std::stringstream & klee::operator<< ( std::stringstream &  os,
const Expr e 

Definition at line 342 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::print().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/7]

std::stringstream & klee::operator<< ( std::stringstream &  os,
const Expr::Kind  kind 

Definition at line 350 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::printKind().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [7/7]

template<class T >
std::stringstream & klee::operator<< ( std::stringstream &  os,
const ref< T > &  e 

Definition at line 235 of file Ref.h.

◆ operator<=()

bool klee::operator<= ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 322 of file Expr.h.

◆ operator==()

bool klee::operator== ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 306 of file Expr.h.

References klee::Expr::compare().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator>()

bool klee::operator> ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 318 of file Expr.h.

◆ operator>=()

bool klee::operator>= ( const Expr lhs,
const Expr rhs 

Definition at line 326 of file Expr.h.

◆ OptimizeArray()

llvm::cl::opt< ArrayOptimizationType > klee::OptimizeArray ( "optimize-array"  ,
llvm::cl::values(clEnumValN(ALL, "all", "Combining index and value transformations"), clEnumValN(INDEX, "index", "Index-based transformation"), clEnumValN(VALUE, "value", "Value-based transformation at branch (both " "concrete and concrete/symbolic)"))  ,
llvm::cl::init(NONE ,
llvm::cl::desc("Optimize accesses to either concrete or concrete/symbolic " "arrays. (default=false)")  ,

Referenced by klee::ExprOptimizer::optimizeExpr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printVersion()

void klee::printVersion ( llvm::raw_ostream &  OS)

Definition at line 18 of file PrintVersion.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and parseArguments().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ QueryLoggingOptions()

cl::bits< QueryLoggingSolverType > klee::QueryLoggingOptions ( "use-query-log"  ,
cl::desc("Log queries to a file. Multiple options can be specified " "separated by a comma. By default nothing is logged.")  ,
cl::values(clEnumValN(ALL_KQUERY, "all:kquery", "All queries in .kquery (KQuery) format"), clEnumValN(ALL_SMTLIB, "all:smt2", "All queries in .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format"), clEnumValN(SOLVER_KQUERY, "solver:kquery", "All queries reaching the solver in .kquery (KQuery) format"), clEnumValN(SOLVER_SMTLIB, "solver:smt2", "All queries reaching the solver in .smt2 (SMT-LIBv2) format"))  ,
cl::CommaSeparated  ,

◆ SeedingCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::SeedingCat ( "Seeding options"  ,
"These options are related to the use of seeds to start exploration."   

◆ SolvingCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::SolvingCat ( "Constraint solving options"  ,
"These options impact constraint solving."   

◆ TerminationCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::TerminationCat ( "State and overall termination options"  ,
"These options control termination of the overall KLEE " "execution and of individual states."   

◆ TestGenCat()

cl::OptionCategory klee::TestGenCat ( "Test generation options"  ,
"These options impact test generation."   

◆ TimeFormatInfo()

cl::extrahelp klee::TimeFormatInfo ( "\nTime format used by KLEE's options\n" "\n" " Time spans can be specified in two ways:\n" " 1. As positive real numbers representing  seconds,
e.g. '10'  ,
'3.5' " "but not 'INF'  ,
'NaN'  ,
'1e3'  ,
'-4.5s'\n" " 2. As a sequence of natural numbers with specified  units,
e.g. " " '1h10min'  ='70min',
'5min10s' but not '3.5min'  ,
'8S'\n" " The following units are supported:h  ,
min  ,
ms  ,
us  ,

◆ UseAssignmentValidatingSolver()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseAssignmentValidatingSolver ( "debug-assignment-validating-solver"  ,
cl::init(false)  ,
cl::desc("Debug the correctness of generated assignments (default=false)")  ,

◆ UseBranchCache()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseBranchCache ( "use-branch-cache"  ,
cl::init(true)  ,
cl::desc("Use the branch cache (default=true)")  ,

◆ UseCexCache()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseCexCache ( "use-cex-cache"  ,
cl::init(true)  ,
cl::desc("Use the counterexample cache (default=true)")  ,

◆ UseFastCexSolver()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseFastCexSolver ( "use-fast-cex-solver"  ,
cl::init(false)  ,
cl::desc("Enable an experimental range-based solver (default=false)")  ,

◆ UseForkedCoreSolver()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseForkedCoreSolver ( "use-forked-solver"  ,
cl::desc("Run the core SMT solver in a forked process (default=true)")  ,
cl::init(true)  ,

◆ UseIncompleteMerge()

llvm::cl::opt< bool > klee::UseIncompleteMerge ( "use-incomplete-merge"  ,
llvm::cl::init(false)  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Heuristic-based path merging (default=false)")  ,

◆ UseIndependentSolver()

cl::opt< bool > klee::UseIndependentSolver ( "use-independent-solver"  ,
cl::init(true)  ,
cl::desc("Use constraint independence (default=true)")  ,

◆ UseMerge()

llvm::cl::opt< bool > klee::UseMerge ( "use-merge"  ,
llvm::cl::init(false)  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Enable support for path merging via klee_open_merge() and " "klee_close_merge() (default=false)")  ,

◆ userSearcherRequiresMD2U()

bool klee::userSearcherRequiresMD2U ( )

Definition at line 97 of file UserSearcher.cpp.

Referenced by klee::Executor::setModule(), and klee::StatsTracker::StatsTracker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vce_type_begin()

vce_type_iterator klee::vce_type_begin ( const llvm::ConstantExpr *  CE)

Definition at line 141 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::begin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vce_type_end()

vce_type_iterator klee::vce_type_end ( const llvm::ConstantExpr *  CE)

Definition at line 145 of file GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h.

References klee::generic_gep_type_iterator< ItTy >::end().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


const char klee::ALL_QUERIES_KQUERY_FILE_NAME[] ="all-queries.kquery"

Definition at line 24 of file Common.h.

Referenced by EvaluateInputAST(), and klee::Executor::Executor().


const char klee::ALL_QUERIES_SMT2_FILE_NAME[] ="all-queries.smt2"

Definition at line 22 of file Common.h.

Referenced by EvaluateInputAST(), and klee::Executor::Executor().


const size_t klee::BUFSIZE = 128 * 1024

Definition at line 17 of file CompressionStream.h.

◆ CoreSolverOptimizeDivides

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::CoreSolverOptimizeDivides

Referenced by createCoreSolver().

◆ CoreSolverToUse

llvm::cl::opt<CoreSolverType> klee::CoreSolverToUse

◆ DebugCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::DebugCat

◆ DebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith

llvm::cl::opt<CoreSolverType> klee::DebugCrossCheckCoreSolverWith

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ DebugLogIncompleteMerge

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::DebugLogIncompleteMerge

◆ DebugLogMerge

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::DebugLogMerge

◆ DebugValidateSolver

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::DebugValidateSolver

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ ExprCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::ExprCat

◆ gTheArgsP

uint64_t* klee::gTheArgsP

◆ klee_message_file

FILE * klee::klee_message_file = NULL

◆ klee_warning_file

FILE * klee::klee_warning_file = NULL

◆ LogTimedOutQueries

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::LogTimedOutQueries

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ MaxCoreSolverTime

llvm::cl::opt<std::string> klee::MaxCoreSolverTime

◆ MaxTime

cl::opt<std::string> klee::MaxTime

Referenced by klee::Executor::Executor(), and main().

◆ MergeCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::MergeCat

◆ MinQueryTimeToLog

llvm::cl::opt<std::string> klee::MinQueryTimeToLog

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ MiscCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::MiscCat

◆ ModuleCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::ModuleCat

◆ noreturn

void klee::noreturn

Definition at line 29 of file ErrorHandling.h.

◆ PtrBitCount

constexpr int klee::PtrBitCount = 3

Definition at line 26 of file PTree.h.

Referenced by klee::PTree::getNextId().

◆ QueryLoggingOptions

llvm::cl::bits<QueryLoggingSolverType> klee::QueryLoggingOptions

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ SeedingCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::SeedingCat


const char klee::SOLVER_QUERIES_KQUERY_FILE_NAME[] ="solver-queries.kquery"

Definition at line 25 of file Common.h.

Referenced by EvaluateInputAST(), and klee::Executor::Executor().


const char klee::SOLVER_QUERIES_SMT2_FILE_NAME[] ="solver-queries.smt2"

Definition at line 23 of file Common.h.

Referenced by EvaluateInputAST(), and klee::Executor::Executor().

◆ SolvingCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::SolvingCat

◆ TerminationCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::TerminationCat

◆ TestGenCat

llvm::cl::OptionCategory klee::TestGenCat

◆ theStatisticManager

◆ UseAssignmentValidatingSolver

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseAssignmentValidatingSolver

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ UseBranchCache

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseBranchCache

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ UseCexCache

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseCexCache

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ UseFastCexSolver

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseFastCexSolver

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ UseForkedCoreSolver

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseForkedCoreSolver

◆ UseIncompleteMerge

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseIncompleteMerge

◆ UseIndependentSolver

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseIndependentSolver

Referenced by constructSolverChain().

◆ UseMerge

llvm::cl::opt<bool> klee::UseMerge